
spur on中文什么意思

发音:   用"spur on"造句
  • 飞驰
  • 激励,促使作更大的努力
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  1. He was spurred on by ambition .
  2. Spurred on by the competition, norfolk navy yard spent the whole day .
  3. She spurred on her team to try harder
  4. She spurred on her team to try harder
  5. The rider spurred on / forward to his destination


        spur:    n. 1.踢马刺,靴刺,马扎子;【历史】金踢马刺〔骑士 ...
        spur:    n. 1.踢马刺,靴刺,马扎子;【历史】金踢马刺〔骑士 (knight) 所用〕。 2.刺激物,鼓励品;促进器;教唆,挑拨,煽动,鼓舞,刺激。 3.树根;【动物;动物学】(鸟类、虫类等的)距;(斗鸡时加于鸡腿上的)距铁;【植物;植物学】(花)距;短枝;(军舰的)冲角。 4.(攀耙用)刺铁;(登山用)铁钉助爬器。 5.山嘴,山鼻子;石嘴,尖坡,悬岩;支脉,横岭;【建筑】凸壁;支撑物;【铁路】支线;【代】迹(数)。 clap [give] spurs to=put spurs to. need the spur 需要用靴刺踢,需加激励。 on [upon] the spur 用足速力,飞快地,火急。 on the spur of the moment 一时兴起[冲动];当场,即席。 put [set] spurs to 用靴刺踢;激励。 win one's spurs (由古时因功被封为骑士转为)得到荣誉,飞黄腾达,出名。 with whip and spur = with spur and yard 快马加鞭地,立刻,马上。 vt. (-rr-) 1.用靴刺踢;装靴刺[刺铁等]。 2.刺激,推动,教唆,煽动,鞭策,鼓舞。 3.斗鸡时用距铁踢[踢伤]。 vi. 1.用靴刺踢马,催马前进;驱赶 (on)。 2.疾驰。 Professor Smith's new book spurs interest in his course. 史密斯教授的新书鼓起了大家对他的课的兴趣。 booted and spurred 穿了靴子上了靴刺。 spur sb. up to [on to, into] action 激励某人。
        the spur:    马刺
        spur; bony spur:    骨刺
        apical spur:    端距
        apply the spur to:    用马刺驱前进
        basal spur:    基距
        bedrock spur:    河床基岩突出部分; 基岩露头
        berg spur:    冰山嘴
        blunted spur:    切平山嘴; 削钝山嘴
        bouquet spur:    花束状短果枝
        butt spur:    固定销
        calcaneal spur:    跟骨刺; 跟骨骨刺
        calcanean spur:    跟骨刺
        calcaneus spur:    跟骨骨刺
        cock-spur:    (鸡的)距;【植物;植物学】稗属植物;【虫类】跳蝼蛄。
        conical spur:    锥距
        coxal spur:    基节刺,基节距
        crib spur:    木笼丁坝
        cross spur:    横切矿体的石英脉
        cross-spur:    交错石英脉
        cutoff spur:    割断山嘴
        diffluence spur:    分流咀
        dorsal spur:    背距
        whip and spur:    飞速地, 快马加鞭地


        spur on meaning: spur sb on to encourage someone to try harder in order to succeed: ▪ The course was really tough, but the desire to make her family proud of her spurred her on. spur sb on to do sth ...
        spur on artinya:memacu


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